viernes, 15 de julio de 2016

Is not easy

Is not easy to be in other country.
Is no easy to be alone in other culture.
Is not easy try to find the way to survive far from home even if there are jobs around.
Is not easy to find the correct job even if you are what they need.
Is not easy to find someone to talk.
Is not easy live under the clouds the most of the time, to encourage yourself to do activities outside.
Is not easy to express yourself in other lenguage even if you know it.
Is not easy without support.
I allways wanted to live abroad, but is not easy.
But we must to do.

For everybody to considere to live abroad is not easy be alone in other culture.

jueves, 7 de julio de 2016

Anybody there?

I feel so alone.
I remember to have this feeling when i was a teenager, that feel of want to desapear in a mountain .
I use to be sad, moody.And the people or things that make me feel happy are not around anymore as i wish or as i need.
This feel make me think i will never get what i was looking for, get my goals, trust in who i need to trust.I just want to cry.
Why having someone, collegues from work or new experiences to live in a  new place to explore...why do i feel so lone?