lunes, 14 de noviembre de 2016

Learning to accept

And those who promise to be your friends after to leave you, will desapear and you will learn when they will not ask you any more, even if they know you need them.

Maybe you thought they said the trueth, they said lets be friends, sometimes happend, i did, i do sometimes too.Maybe Karma, but the end is that you are alone.

Nobody will come to cover your tears in joy even after a lost.

Tomorrow maybe you are happy because you dont want to realize of the fact that people gone even those who still breathing.When you remember those who passed away cry, just cry and don feel shame maybe you dont need company or someone who can hug you, just need to cry.

But tomorrow remember,people need hugs or just company, and you can do it too.

Sorry to just need and maybe dont give enought.

sábado, 12 de noviembre de 2016


Little star, little star ,
stronger like the brigthest sun.
So cheeky with the trees and so gentle with the clouds.
But all were happy to hear your laught.

Just your smile was the most beautiful sound ,that you never could pronounce.
And still in our heads even when you said goodnight.

viernes, 4 de noviembre de 2016

And today i think about you.

How i was destroying you, 
how i am actually destroying you,
in my day a day i don t used to realize how much pain i am causing you,
i am so sorry,is not my intention.

I know i love you, i know many of us do.
But they dont want that we  care about you,
they arent able to see farder than an interest, 
their own interest.

They dont want to accept we can live with less, 
the dont want to accept the system can be rebuild.
They are scared.

You are my mother, 
you are ours,
the earth mother.

miércoles, 14 de septiembre de 2016

And when everybody and everything around desapear,you remain,you alone.
And you know that everything will back to your mind and maybe cry but stay strong,get inspire by the green of the grass by the pink of the flowers by the brown of the trunk,think of the earth, because sometimes you need to forget about the sky.

miércoles, 31 de agosto de 2016

Quiero olvidarme

Quiero olvidarme de que me fui,
quiero olvidarme de que estoy aquí.

Quiero olvidarme del sentir,
quiero olvidarme del olvido, 
porque ya el olvido es recuerdo,
del recuerdo que viví.

Quiero olvidarme de que pasó,
de lo que fue y no volvió.

Quiero olvidarme.


Y el recuerdo será olvido,
Y el olvido el suspiro
Y del suspiro el aire
Que se eleva y flota
Y de ahí a la nada
Y de la nada alegría.
Y de la alegría un brote.
Y del brote una flor,
Y de la flor un tú,
Un yo,
Un nosotros,
Un todo

domingo, 21 de agosto de 2016

Al cabo del tiempo se dio cuenta de que no podía seguir viviendo en esa casa , donde abría la ventana de su habitación y podía hablar hasta las cuatro de la mañana con los jóvenes que salían  de fiesta y que decidían ir a tomar algo al pub sobre el que estaba construido el piso en el que vivía.

Ya habían pasado muchos meses que había aguantado el mal vivir de no poder apenas dormir por las circunstancias del entorno .Y su nuevo trabajo ya no quedaba tan cerca de su casa como el anterior.Quería salir de allí.

And sometimes we dont realize , we are going to die.
Our body and sould will not remaind.
Why dont we share the good that we had?

People said-we born alone,we should think in ourselfs,
but, what will we have then?just ourselves.

All of us know to meditated, but we dont know to listen inside.

Amazing beautiful to learn to see inside you,
but bealiving there is someone else around to share that lection is a good satisfaction too.

Why did we want to grow up...

martes, 2 de agosto de 2016

Moon s stone

And the maple leaf leave the moon alone,in the darkness .And she stayed like a stone just crying.
The moon waited for the sun.
But the sun,was around the clouds and when the moon came,she couldn t see the  bright.
The starts said to the moon- you are bright as the sun having your own light, dont cry little moon the maple leaf decided to go but you will give the light in the darkness to all the creatures over the world.

viernes, 15 de julio de 2016

Is not easy

Is not easy to be in other country.
Is no easy to be alone in other culture.
Is not easy try to find the way to survive far from home even if there are jobs around.
Is not easy to find the correct job even if you are what they need.
Is not easy to find someone to talk.
Is not easy live under the clouds the most of the time, to encourage yourself to do activities outside.
Is not easy to express yourself in other lenguage even if you know it.
Is not easy without support.
I allways wanted to live abroad, but is not easy.
But we must to do.

For everybody to considere to live abroad is not easy be alone in other culture.

jueves, 7 de julio de 2016

Anybody there?

I feel so alone.
I remember to have this feeling when i was a teenager, that feel of want to desapear in a mountain .
I use to be sad, moody.And the people or things that make me feel happy are not around anymore as i wish or as i need.
This feel make me think i will never get what i was looking for, get my goals, trust in who i need to trust.I just want to cry.
Why having someone, collegues from work or new experiences to live in a  new place to explore...why do i feel so lone?

viernes, 3 de junio de 2016

Here i am

-Do you know where is you place?
-No, i dont.
-Then, what are you doing here?why don t you move to descovered?
-Because i dont know, if that will be the best.
-Is time to give you a time to get the goals you came for.
-You are right, but is not easy.
What if i get them and something change, that make me really want to go?
-If your life is not perfect you will know, when arrive the time to decide.
-I just feel i will not get absolutly anything here, and makes me feel sad.Am i wasting my time?
-Are you?
-Is an experience and that is good.But at my age i woudl like to know where should i be.
-Maybe you are not the only one.

domingo, 21 de febrero de 2016


Y dicen que cuando se encuentra se siente un llenar el vacio.

Alguien que te sabe curar,curar del silencio de sentirse en un sin saber  del porque estar.
Alguien que te sabe escuchar desde el silencio y que te derrite al mirarte diciendote que entiende tú mundo, construyendo un "nuestro mundo".

Y dicen que cuando se encuentra ,se convierte en tú mejor amigo.
Alguien que sabe calmarte en la angustia.Que está dispuesto a abrazarte sin motivo.Que entre lagrimas te hará reir.

Y dicen que si sueñas toda tu vida con alguien que admire la naturaleza como la amas tú,será apasionante seguir soñando.

Y que bonito es saber lo que dicen.
